Vincent Lyn
3 min readAug 21, 2024


By Vincent Lyn

In Chapter Ten of the first volume of Mein Kampf, Hitler introduces his theory of the Big Lie, a concept that suggests the believability of a falsehood is enhanced by its sheer audacity. According to Hitler, the more outrageous the lie, the more likely it is to be accepted by “the great masses of the people,” as they would never conceive of telling such an egregious falsehood themselves. He argues that this principle is exploited by “all the great lie-virtuosi and lying-clubs” of the world. Even if the lie is eventually exposed, its impact persists because people will continue to harbor doubts and some elements of the falsehood will “always remain and stick.”

Repetition is crucial because a Big Lie thrives on indoctrination. When repeated often enough, the Lie starts to serve as its own proof — people accept it as truth simply because they’ve heard it so many times. This repetition creates the illusion of evidence, leading people to believe the Lie without questioning its validity. They mistakenly think that a lie of such magnitude must be based on something real, missing the fact that some individuals among us lack empathy, care only for themselves, and are driven by arrogance and self-interest. These traits are often hidden behind a false aura of authority and expertise, leading people to wrongly trust leaders who are, in reality, motivated by narcissism or psychopathy.

Interestingly, Hitler does not present this idea to showcase his own manipulative prowess, as might be assumed with the benefit of hindsight. Instead, he applies it to his broader antisemitic rhetoric, claiming that Jewish identity is based on a single, grand deception: the notion that Jews constitute a religious community rather than a race. However, this assertion is historically inaccurate. Traditionally, Jews have identified primarily as a religious group, a perspective that only began to shift in the late nineteenth century with the rise of Zionism, which framed Jewish identity in racial terms. This racial understanding of Jewish identity would later become a foundational aspect of the ideology behind the modern state of Israel.

The central falsehood at the core of Zionist ideology is the notion that Jews, despite being scattered across the globe, have always formed a unified national or racial identity, sharing a common culture, language, and fate. This idea disregards historical facts and Jewish tradition, which consistently held that Jews are primarily a religious community, with diverse cultures and languages shaped by their various geographical locations. The concept of a singular Jewish nation, race, or ethnos is a modern invention, developed by Zionists in the late nineteenth century.

Tragically, it was this fabricated notion that Hitler accepted as truth, driving his genocidal campaign. In a grim twist of fate, the Holocaust occurred largely because Hitler mistakenly believed the Zionist assertion that Jews were primarily a race rather than a religious group.

It is crucial to emphasize that the reality is quite the opposite. Throughout most of history, Jews have identified themselves primarily as a religious community. The Zionists, by rejecting centuries of Jewish tradition and redefining Jewish identity in racial or ethnic terms, not only contributed to the horrors of the Holocaust but also set the stage for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the ongoing crisis in Gaza. The state of Israel, built on this Big Lie, perpetuates the myth to this day.

Here are 2 sources that back up my article.

Vincent Lyn

CEO & Founder of We Can Save Children

Deputy Ambassador of International Human Rights Commission (IHRC)

Director of Creative Development at African Views Organization

Economic & Social Council at United Nations (ECOSOC)

Rescue & Recovery Specialist at International Confederation of Police & Security Experts Lyn



Vincent Lyn

CEO-We Can Save Children. Director Creative Development-African Views Organization, ECOSOC at United Nations. International Human Rights Commission (IHRC)